The 1st International Symposium on Inclusive and Equitable Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp4All)

The symposium aims to provide a forum for interaction between local communities in Latin America and UbiComp researchers located in Latin America and other parts of the world, with the goal of fostering collaboration among these stakeholders on problems related to the public interest.

Symposium in conjunction with UbiComp 2023↗︎

The symposium will have two submission tracks:

  Track 1: Inclusive Ubiquitous Computing

This track has a special emphasis on exploring the design of UbiComp technologies for marginalized communities and users with special needs in Latin America (LATAM).

We solicit research papers (up to 4 pages including references) in the ACM SIGCHI Primary Article template. More information about formating. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  Track 2: Equitable Ubiquitous Computing

This track aims to foster dialogue between local communities in Latin America (e.g., teachers, health workers, NGOs) and UbiComp researchers, with the aim of identifying pathways for codesign-focused collaborations between diverse groups of stakeholders on problems of public interest. We solicit two categories of contributions:

Problem Abstracts

(Up to 2 pages including references) that describe an important problem related to social good or public interest of a chosen group or community in LATAM. We especially call upon organization and agencies working on the grassroots (e.g., environmental groups or health agencies) to submit an article describing the key challenges in their field of work. These articles are not required to provide a technological solution to the problem. The problem abstracts can be submitted in any format of choice for the participants and can be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese.

Research or technical papers

(Up to 4 pages including references) in the ACM SIGCHI Primary Article template. More information about formating. Should report an ongoing or recently finished research that involves the use of ubiquitous computing in solving problems of public interest or 'social good', not necessarily restricted to LATAM.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  Submission Details

Submissions should be done through Precision Conference. All papers need to be anonymised, the reviewing process will be juried, and we will invite reviewers who have been active in the areas of UbiComp and HCI for Development (HCI4D). The accepted papers will be included in the UbiComp/ISWC 2023 Adjunct Proceedings.

The authors must mention the track to which they are submitting – for submissions to Inclusive Ubiquitous Computing, please add the prefix "IUC:" before the paper's title. For example, if a paper's title is 'UbiComp for Vision-Impaired Users in Latin America', please change it to 'IUC: UbiComp for Vision-Impaired Users in Latin America' . Similarly, for submissions to the Equitable Ubiquitous Computing track, please add the prefix 'EUC:' to your paper's title.

If you have any questions, you can send an e-mail to the organizers at

  Important Dates

  • June 2nd (AoE), 2023 Paper submission deadline:
  • June 30th, 2023 Paper notification date:
  • July 31th (AoE), 2023 Camera-ready deadline:
  • 9th - 13th October 2023 UbiComp 2023:

  Organizing Committee

  • Laura S. Gaytán-Lugo    Universidad de Colima
  • Pedro C. Santana-Mancilla    Universidad de Colima
  • Soraia Silva-Prietch    Universidad Federal de Rondonópolis
  • Francisco J. Gutiérrez    Universidad de Chile
  • J. Alfredo Sánchez    LANIA
  • Cuauhtemoc Rivera-Loaiza    Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
  • Akhil Mathur    Nokia Bell Labs
  • Neha Kumar    Georgia Tech